Saturday, April 17, 2010

A little about Rio!!!

Rio de Janeiro is known for its beautiful landscapes, where the sea meets the mountains, where there are the two largest urban forests in the world, exotic landscapes in a big city itself.If can be a city beloved by people worldwide.
It is the capital of the Brazilian Tourism, wonderful city, located in southeastern Brazil, with 6 million inhabitants in an area of 1224.56 km ², a coastal area of 246, 22 km ² and green area of 325.6 km ², is a mosaic of enchantments scattered between sea and mountains. Rio is more than one, each day creates solutions to meet all needs and tastes.

Rio's post card is the symbol of Brazil. The Corcovado with the Christ the Redeemer is one of the New 7 Wonders of the World, an international contest. And there's also the Sugar Loaf, a pleasant ride that reveals the entire city. The sights are numerous, but it is important to mention the Maracanã Stadium, the largest temple of football five times world champion and the Samba, where the samba schools parade, participating in the biggest event of the city, the carnival. And the latest is the Samba City, built by the City Hall in an area of 114 m², on the waterfront, is home to the samba factories, where the samba schools prepare their respective parades, which take place during carnival. Samba City is the synthesis of carnival, the whole year, given that it hosts daily performances, workshops and other attractions.
Rio was chosen after research conducted by the Universities of Michigan and California, as the city with the friendliest people in the world. This is the biggest secret of the wonderful city, the spirit of Rio, that makes all urban mosaic of different attractions. Rio's beaches, mountains, green areas, outdoor sports, and events like New Year's Eve, Carnival and many others. The river is historic, cultural, it's daytime, and nightlife. It has many flavors. It is for all ages. Rio is one of its symbols, the Christ the Redeemer with open arms to welcome visitors.
Street primeiro de Março
It was the first street of Rio de janeiroi designed, which connected directly to the castle hill to hill of Sao Bento, considered direct street and called "street right," was crossing point carroagens, so they created the first laws traffic and two-way street.
The primitive path Manuel de Brito, historic birthplace of the city, linking the Largo da Misericordia in Morro de Sao Bento, in indefinite date was divided into two parts: the first was being the Rua da Misericordia still existing and second Street Right, that connected the Morro Castle to Morro de Sao Bento. Street Right at the beginning of the seventeenth century was only a precarious trail, but it was the preferred site of slave traders in the eighteenth century, became one of the busiest streets in town. It settled the first governors of the city, a house that sat on the corner with the Customs. Was also the first Episcopal Palace, where he lived the first bishop of Rio, D. José de Barros and Alarcão in 1682. Later, the governors began to settle in the house that was once the House of Stories, description colonial treasury, which then became the Palace of the Viceroys and the Royal Palace with the arrival of the royal family of Portugal to Brazil. Around this street have developed the main city streets. Later, it was housed the Bank of Brazil, the Post Office, Merchants of Fashion, the bakeries, since the nineteenth century. In 1875 it was renamed to First Street March in honor of the date of the victory of the Battle of Aquidabã in March 1870, which was an important milestone for the end of the Paraguayan War. Coincidentally, this day also is the Foundation of the City, March 1, 1565 .. In Straight Street came in 1835, the great sensation of the season, an ice cream parlor. It was the first street to be given numbers in boxes, idea by the French architect Alexandre Pedro Cavroé. Due to heavy traffic, in 1847, we adopted the system in her hand and counter hands. According to Ferreira da Rosa: "Right on the Street was that Rio de Janeiro witnessed draw the first lines of his greatness, there is the story spelled fortune developing this metropolis." For almost three centuries it was right around the street, which turned the great political events of the city. Only in the early twentieth century is that the area saw the main shaft to be transferred to the new metropolis of Central Avenue, east of the monumental axis Republic.
Avenida Presidente Vargas Since the days of King John VI was already thinking of building a canal waterway connecting the sea to Rocio Pequeno Praça Onze current June, which only received its name after the War of Paraguay, in honor of the day that the squadron of Admiral Barroso won the Battle of Riachuelo . The channel would aim to dry a large marsh near the existing New Town, which was an outbreak of disease, mosquitoes and unpleasant fumes. But only in 1857, has started construction of the Canal do Mangue, who was the greatest work of sanitation in Rio de Janeiro, at the time of the Empire that led to the extinction of the Sentinel's Lake and the wetlands of San Diego, which went up almost Campo de Santana. The work was contracted to the Baron of Maua, which opened its plant with gas for lighting and home that stood near the Rocio Pequeno. In the government of Henri de Toledo Dodsworth, the idea of extending the Mangrove Avenue to the Pier for Miners, current Navy Yard, was put in place and opened the Avenida Presidente Vargas, who was named in honor of then President Getúlio Vargas . To open the avenue many challenges were faced, were demolished 525 buildings, old streets have disappeared, faces opposition from many segments. The Avenue has 2040 meters in length in the stretch to the square Eleven, but including the existing part to the Flag Square its length is 4 km, its width reaches 80 meters until the square of the Candelaria Eleven and 90 meters in the stretch of Canal Mangrove. Avenida Presidente Vargas, currently represents the largest city traffic channel and communicate the city's commercial center to the bridge overpasses of the Sailors, which then make their distribution over the populous north coast. Origins-Church Campion According to the story - semi-legendary - on the origin of the church in the early seventeenth century a storm nearly wrecked had a ship called Candelaria, where the Spaniards traveled Antonio Martins Palma and Leonor Gonçalves. The couple made a promise to build a chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Candelaria to escape with his life. The ship finally docked in Rio de Janeiro, and the couple has built a small chapel on its present site in 1609 Candelaria Church.

Campo de Santana, a beauty in middle of Rio Downtown

The Campo de Santana is an area of 135,000 m² in the center of Rio de Janeiro, a green lung in the chaos of daily pollution.
Our tour begins in the center of the park where there is a monument to Benjamin Constant, ideals of the Republic in Brazil that contains various symbolisms positivist philosophy created by Auguste Comte in France that influenced our Republicans.
The monument is flanked by four marble statues representing the four seasons and four sources "stella" surmounted by the goddess of waters Tethys.
The park has a diverse community, being the most famous animals of the agouti. They are like the symbol of the park, the population of some 600 of these animals and live with ducks, peacocks, marmosets, ducks and freshwater invaders, cats.
The flora ranges from Brazil wood to our Asian and European specimens. In the government of D. Luis de Vasconcelos (4th Earl of Figueiró) between 1778 and 1790 opened the path Lantern (more or less today's Street Customs) to urbanize the region was a swamp and garbage dump, but the problems continued Marsh. The site was the scene of the festivities of the acclamation of D. Queen Maria I of Portugal, becoming known since then as Field acclamation. It was also the site of the festivities by acclamation of D. João VI as king of Portugal, Brazil and Algarve, having happened many popular festivals. Later it served to parties of acclaim and coronation of King Emperor Pedro I of Brazil.
The current name comes from the Church of St. Anne, a brotherhood of blacks who owned there and that his temple was demolished in 1855 for the construction of the railroad D. Pedro II, the current Central Brazil. The original image is in the Chapel of the Railroad within the current building
With the arrival of the Portuguese Court in 1808 and the arrival of Prince Regent John to St. Christopher, made the royal party always had to pass through town to get to the Palace Square, now Square XV. Although now drained several times made his Highness had to take a boat to cross it because the floods were still frequent. Thus were new drainage and the construction of a barracks to protect the future king, since it was equidistant from the palace of St. Kitts and the Palace Square, created on the site of theChafariz das lavadeiras (Fountain Washerwomen.).

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